All You Need to Learn About Emotional Support Dog Letter


Do you think that an emotional support dog can help you with your condition but aren’t sure of the procedure?

It’s true that interacting with an ESA or having them in your household can provide several mental health benefits. But how do you apply for an ESA letter?

It’s totally understandable if you have a list of queries in relevance to getting your dog registered as an ESA. Have a look at these questions to have a thorough knowledge of the whole process.


Who Can Provide Emotional Support Dog Letter?

Getting in touch with a licensed healthcare professional is the foremost thing you would do in order to apply for an ESA letter. He’d provide you a written certification if you qualify for the program.

But, who can provide ESA letters?

Any Licensed mental health professional(LMHP) can provide you with an emotional support dog letter. You may get in touch with a nearby therapist, psychiatrist, a licensed nurse practitioner, or a medical counselor. However, they must approve that the companionship of an emotional support dog could benefit your condition. 

How to Find ESA Doctors Near me?

Whether you are living in a metro city, or a countryside suburb. You must be having access to a mental health professional. You can even ask a general health practitioner or your primary doctor or a referral. He can assess your mental health needs and directs you to the right kind of therapist that could help you(a psychiatrist, or a psychologist, or a mental health counselor).

Do You Have a Qualifying Health Condition For ESA Program?

Your ESA doctor can provide you with a certification if you have one of the following debilitating mental health conditions:

  • Social Anxiety Disorders
  • GAD (General anxiety disorders)
  • Depression
  • Any mental health condition correlated with another medical condition.
  • Panic Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • OCD(obsessive-complusive disorders)
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorders)

If your medical condition isn’t included in any of the above mental illnesses. You can still get in touch with an ESA doctor. As your medical practitioner may provide you with a certification if he/she thinks that your condition could benefit from an emotional support dog.

Is Your Emotional Support Dog People Friendly?

Your therapist/ESA doctor might ask you the basic information about your emotional support dog, to know about its social behavior. If your ESA is a foster dog, ask your animal provider about the previous social interaction of your animal. If there’s a history of violent behavior you should be aware of or special training it would need in order to live in a household environment.

What Are The Legal Benefits of an ESA letter?

There are two major benefits to your ESA letter:

Fly with your ESA Letter

With your ESA letter, you can carry your ESA in flight cabins and even get him a dedicated seat. This can be highly beneficial for people who have severe social anxiety issues. 

Bypass No-Pet Policy

You don’t have to worry about difficulties related to the no-pet policy in rented apartments. With your ESA letter, you can take your emotional support dog to restricted places without paying any additional pet fee.


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